Pohnpei Chamber Of Commerce Overview
History: The Ponape State Chamber of Commerce now referred to as Pohnpei Chamber of Commerce was chartered in May 1980, by the first President of FSM, the late HE Tosiwo Nakayama based on the Petition for Charter of Incorporation and Bylaws presented.
It was set up primarily as an advocacy organization for the private sector which include sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, cooperatives, and other not for profit organizations (NGOs and civil society) interested in becoming associate members.
Membership is on a voluntary basis and membership fees are the main source of revenue to support the Chamber's activities. Due to continued financial constraints, the Chamber has not been in position to provide the services that members expect to receive.
Revenues have gone up and down with uncertainty of membership renewal. Having been in continued financial uncertainty, the Chamber has only been able to deal with the challenges it faces with the sacrifice and commitment of a few who believe in the purpose for which the Chamber was created.
Nevertheless, the Board will continue to seek assistance where it can get assistance to help the Chamber move forward toward achieving its goals and objectives.